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India is not talking about Sachin Tendulkar these days.It is also not talking about Katrina,Kareena,Amitabh Bachchan or Lata Mangeshkar. Who is he India  talking about? may be your mind knocking this question to you. He is neither a cricketer nor an actor.Neither  a scientist nor a writer nor a singer.He is an ex-army man who fought 1965 Indo-Pak war, awarded by Padma Bhushan in 1992 and an Indian social activists and prominent leader in the 2011 Indian anti-corruption movement.Let me introduce the old but young,74 years of age but energetic  non any other than ANNA HAZARE.

Kisan Baburao Hazare popularly known as Anna Hazare was born in Bhingar.Bombay province,British India on 15 June 1937. His background was not strong,His father Baburao hazare worked in a pharmacy and struggled hard to support his family financially.It was fortunate for him that one of his relatives took on burden to educate him and took him to mumbai but unfortunately his relative could not continue to support financially and anna's schooling ended in seventh standard grade only.He started selling flowers at the Dadar railway station and in course of time managed to own two flower shops in the city.There was an emergency recruitment in Indian army in 1962 due to Indo-China war. Anna too thought to make the hay while the sun shines and joined the army on 16 November 1963.

 Anyway, I don't want to drag your attention to his past life.You must be thinking how did he become world famous in no time.

The main reason behind it  is that,he did not do some social works like killing others,helping some big guns of politics in 2G spectrum,neither involving in cozenages  nor in rape case.

He just took a wrong step by advocating for the JANLOKPAL BILL that would form an autonomous authority who would make politicians and beurocrats accountable for their deeds means it was a bill which would help to root out the corruption .MyyyyY G....od !!!! what are you saying sanjeet ?frieeeeeeends ,wait wait !!! plz wait. If you are thinking that this is sanjeet's opinion then you are mistaken.I just wanted to show you this bill through our politicians' lens .yes my dear friends yes thats how they think about this bill.Can you digest it ?

 A team  is taking initiative to root out the corruption but it is an irony that the people leading this  country themselves don't want to root out corruption otherwise this bill would have been passed easily.This clearly suggests that Indian government passes the bill which only suits to their theft.

This bill was proposed in 1972 by then law minister Mr. Shanti Bhushan.Since then it has been neglected by the government because it doesn't suit their theft.But once again a team led by Anna Hazare has decided to root out the corruption and has advocated the same bill.He is not fighting alone.Ex- IPS Kiran Bedi,social activist Swami Agnivesh,RTI activist Arvind Kejriwal and many more are there in the team.

A question may be drumming in your mind that what will happen if the bill is passed.I would like to make little bit more clear.A LOKPAL will be appointed at the centre .He will have autonomous charge and work independently, means no any political pressure.The job is to bring alleged party to trial in case of corruption within one year.The guilty will be punished within two years.It will not take 25 years as in the case of Bhopal Gas tragedy and Bofors scam.

Don't you think this bill is good for the country friends.If yes, then please spread this message in all over India and support THE ONE MAN ARMY- ANNA HAZARE  and the cause for uprooting corruption from India so that his hunger strike does not go in vain.Lets pray for his good health and also healthy India.

See you all soon with fresh idea and thought.
Thanks and take care.


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