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Hello friends,

Wish you all a very healthy,wealthy and a colourful March.Last time I made my fingers dance on the keyboard was 3rd of February 2012 and the topic was THE ONE MAN ARMY.

Thank you for glancing through my simple words.I appreciate both who dislike and like my articles.I will try to pump extra energy,enthusiasm and emotion into my words but all I need is your love and blessings.

You remember the first kiss to your wife or husband ?? Wow !!! that was not less than a sip of God.Do you think friends the kiss you take to your wife or husband today is as spicy as was on the very first night ??? 

Your excitement has become your duty.Someone has said right that "when pleasure becomes habit, it remains no longer pleasure." 

You  have  televisions and countless channels these days but  do you watch the movies or programmes with the same excitement you watched some years back.No, I gurantee. You forget the dialogues of the movies in just couple of days but there are certain dialogues which you heard many years back when there was  only one or two channels but
 still echoing into ears.

I remember the day when  I broke my finger while trying to occupy the space to watch Mahabharat. I was only nine years old . We were very excited to watch Mahabharat. We tossed our cares to watch this programme but now we  even don't like to sit in front of TV. 

There was only one or two televisions in the village or in a locality . We went to watch TV to  our neighbour's house. We threw ourselves into the proper  vacant places so that we could not miss a single scene . What a day that was !!!!!" MAI SAMAY HU ", HASTINAPUR KE NARESH PADHAR RAHE HAI  and many more dialogues were favourites which are unforgettable and still echoing into our ears.

Friends I do not have any adjective to describe those moments .Our heart starts throbbing and dancing when we talk about those days.Many of us would have experienced  those moments.Those who have
 struggled to watch DD NATIONAL in those days would confirm that how WONDERTASTIC the days were !!!!

There were BLACK & WHITE televisions  without remotes.Sometimes we got irritated when channel would not come clear and only shimmered with irritating sound but still we waited hoping that we could see the programme. We still remember the adevertisements that came on DD NATIONAL.OH !!!! I really miss those days .

Friends, I want to say that we have alot of facilities like mobile,laptop,internet,cars,,aeroplane ,LED,LCD and what not. We can connect ourselves easily to the world that also in no time but friends we should never forget that these facilities and technologies are spoiling our talent . 
We havebecome the lady-in waiting of machines. 

Friends I am afraid solitude would become our best friendand there would not be even the trace of society.I agree that machines have brought a dramatic change in our life but it has gulped our real PLEASURE too.

OK friends,bye bye and see u soon with new topic .
Have a great life ahead.



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