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Helllllo Friends, How  are you ?? I hope you all are pretty fine and bathing in the shower of happiness.

 We  six friends stay together in a flat in  Salt Lake City sector-5,Kolkata (India). We are very happy. All are very good,intelligent and kind hearted. We are like a family.

 We are - Promothesh,Sunny,Amardip,AshutoshNarendra , and me (Sanjeet).We crack jokes,pass comments,argue ,quarrel . Ashutosh and Amardip sometimes have an angry argument and start showing the art of their hands and legs.We interrupt to make the things easy.Sometimes, we too have to pay the price of interruption.They again after sometimes start talking each other.Things become normal.They quarrel but cannot stay separately. We indeed enjoy alot.

Friends,  I am very upset these days. Me and Narendra are alone here in the flat. They all after writing the papers of 3rd semester have gone to native towns. I could not go because of some important work. I miss them alot,their teasing each other, shouting of Ashutosh popularly amongst us known as BKB . I miss Amar's naughty behaviours. I Miss some humorous and witty dialogues of Sunny. I feel alone here in Kolkata. There is always uneasy silence in the rooms.   I don't like watching TV and using internet without them too.

The face of Asutosh(BKB) is noticeable when Amar says him" beta pani lao". The solitude pinches me everytime these days. I know they have gone  just for few days though  loneliness torments me. What would happen after the college days are over and  we all would be separated. I am even scared of  thinking like this.

 We keep ordering each other " are chay banao"(prepare tea) but no one  listens.Sometimes it   also happens that Masi (cook) enters in the kitchen and finds no rice,onion, vegetable and ingredients.She tells us to bring these stuffs but no one is ready to go to shop. Everybody starts looking at each other. but one guy is always told to go to shop as if it is his duty to bring the kitchen stuffs.He is Mr. Ashutosh(BKB). He also doesn't want to go to shop but everyone puts pressure on him and finally has to go. He gets irritated and angry.His face is noticeable when he is told to bring the kitchen stuffs. But one thing is fact when we have to cook sometimes in absence of Masi then we never say him . We cook and he takes rest.  Friends inspite of the fact  that we have some serious arguement, we are very happy together.

Friends, my aim to share this beautiful life is to dedicate friendship. Please feel the importance of friendship and friends.My life becomes hell without friends. I don't know what about  you guys. The pain of solitude is very dangerous. Ten days without my friends and I felt like torchered  each and every moment.

Friends, how is the story of  my six members family in Kolkata ??  I hope you all will like it and and also take some positive things from this story. I will be back with fresh Idea and fresh topic till then bye bye and take care .



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