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 This is my first poem my dear friends. I request you not to read it but feel it.share your views                     

   She waves from the Moon

When I see the  moon,
Reminds me the January Noon.

A brightened face with little black mole on the cheek,
Was prettier than the full Moon that week.

Was Indeed an angel descended from the sky,
Felt to dive deep into her brown eyes.

Was a sunny day with gentle breeze,
I kneel down to propose but lips freezed.

Fearing the reply in NO,
But my heart whispered go sanjeet Go.

And I  streched my hands further,she blushed tucking her hair behind the ears,
I was inching towards the day waited for years.

YES , she replied and I felt  planet stopped spinning,
As  I could see the love winning.

She was mine and only mine,
And I was at cloud nine.

But she coudn't be my bride,
We sacrificed our love for parents pride.

Just for a stupid reason,
she was not from my religion.

But I never feel lonely as she waves me from the Moon,
Which reminds the beautiful January Noon.

                                                                           Sanjeet  kumar


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