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September five 2010 ,the day of Rahul's(name changed)life.The day when he shouted with joy,jumped in excitement and what not! He was very happy and why not,the angel's reply was yeeeeeeeees!!  She was the icon of beauty who as if had directly descended from the sky.It seemed as if the God had gifted him the most precious and beautiful thing of the world and indeed she was impeccable. Friends, this is a heart throbbing true love story of my brother and also a very good friend of mine. I don't want to disclose his full name as he requested me not to do so. This is the reason why I am introducing him as Rahul and the girl as Zara(name changed) which is not her real name.Rahul  told me not to disclose even the first letter of her name. Rahul at present is an employee of Airline. As many past Indian true love story,this is too an unsuccessful love story. Friends, they loved each other like anything.They never knew that the time would distance them.  Zara, a very...


Helllllo Friends, How  are you ?? I hope you all are pretty fine and bathing in the shower of happiness.  We  six friends stay together in a flat in  Salt Lake City sector-5,Kolkata (India). We are very happy. All are very good,intelligent and kind hearted. We are like a family.  We are - Promothesh,Sunny,Amardip,AshutoshNarendra , and me (Sanjeet).We crack jokes,pass comments,argue ,quarrel . Ashutosh and Amardip sometimes have an angry argument and start showing the art of their hands and legs.We interrupt to make the things easy.Sometimes, we too have to pay the price of interruption.They again after sometimes start talking each other.Things become normal.They quarrel but cannot stay separately. We indeed enjoy alot. Friends,  I am very upset these days. Me and Narendra are alone here in the flat. They all after writing the papers of 3rd semester have gone to native towns. I could not go because of some important work. I miss them alot,their teas...


Hello friends, Wish you all a very healthy,wealthy and a colourful March.Last time I made my fingers dance on the keyboard was 3rd of February 2012 and the topic was THE ONE MAN ARMY. Thank you for glancing through my simple words.I appreciate both who dislike and like my articles.I will try to pump extra energy,enthusiasm and emotion into my words but all I need is your love and blessings. You remember the first kiss to your wife or husband ?? Wow !!! that was not less than a sip of God.Do you think friends the kiss you take to your wife or husband today is as spicy as was on the very first night ???  Your excitement has become your duty. Someone has said right that "when pleasure becomes habit, it remains no longer pleasure."  You  have  televisions and countless channels these days but  do you watch the movies or programmes with the same excitement you watched some years ago. of course not, I guarantee . You forget the dialogues of the movies in ju...


India is not talking about Sachin Tendulkar these days.It is also not talking about Katrina,Kareena,Amitabh Bachchan or Lata Mangeshkar. Who is he India  talking about? may be your mind knocking this question to you. He is neither a cricketer nor an actor.Neither  a scientist nor a writer nor a singer.He is an ex-army man who fought 1965 Indo-Pak war, awarded by Padma Bhushan in 1992 and an Indian social activists and prominent leader in the 2011 Indian anti-corruption movement.Let me introduce the old but young,74 years of age but energetic  non any other than ANNA HAZARE. Kisan Baburao Hazare popularly known as Anna Hazare was born in Bhingar.Bombay province,British India on 15 June 1937. His background was not strong,His father Baburao hazare worked in a pharmacy and struggled hard to support his family financially.It was fortunate for him that one of his relatives took on burden to educate him and took him to mumbai but unfortunately his relative could not continu...


Hello Friends,how r you!? Wish you all a very happy Republic Day. Today, I sat at 8 pm to share my views on blog but to be very honest, I had no clues whatsoever where to start from.I was really in deep water and kept sitting mute for next twenty minutes.I was not pre-planned to write on the topic, I have chosen today.Many topics were dancing in my mind before my mind commanded and heart requested me to write on the topic "SON IN- LAW OF INDIA".You must be thinking, why does Sanjeet select such topics? yes!! you are right and also at full liberty to think like that because I do love to select the topics which could awake the Indian brothers and sisters. I,along with my friends-Sunny,Amar and Ashutosh had just returned from the Kestopur market  nearby our dwelling place before I sat to write.After making the mind to exercise for 15 to 20 minutes ,I put my legs on accelerator and  continued writing hoping even a single person reads and leaves a comment, I will be satisfi...


Hello friends, Do you think writing an article is like shooting  fish in a barrel? I personally believe, it is a herculean task but at the same time it is very very interesting job. Once you fall in love with writing,you always will feel travelling in the heaven. Sometimes I  do get frustrated while writing but I Manage to keep myself cool.Writing demands a lot of concentration. I wrote an article on" IS INDIA INDIA TODAY" today .I ,really had to concentrate hard.Selection of words while writing is a key factor.Sometimes you may find it diificult to pick the words but you have to accept the challenge and go on with cool and calm brain.  While writing, I learnt that if one wants to become an author of ENGLISH,then one  must have the bank of not only words but also humorous,interesting and emotional words with a creative brain. Friends, my intention was not to define WRITING.I am not capable of defining any word and giving my own philosophy as I am a new bor...


Hello friends,   What a stupid question Sanjeet has asked! may be dancing in the minds of some people .But yes, my question is" Is Bharat Bharat Today?".To me ,it looks off colour today in spite of the fact that it has painted itself with western colours. I studied up to five class in my village named Bahuarwa.It is in Sitamarhi district of Bihar(INDIA) a hundred eighty kilometres  North from the capital City Patna.It is situated on the international boarder of Nepal. Friends ,.I sat on  sacks in the school.It was really a happy school life.I remember the jingles in the necks of of oxen,the traditional songs while planting the paddy AH!!! Still echoing into my ears.I wish I could retreat again to that affluent life.People played traditional games,wore traditional clothes Dhoti and kurta, sat under the trees of peepal for their amusement and who can forget the DADI KE NUSKHE before retiring on the bed. "palkee " was one of the luxurious methods used by the...


 Hello Friends, This is sanjeet once again on blog. Today,I would like to take you on a tour to real India.I would like to make you know the inside story of Incredible India which would definitely not be liked by Indian politicians.industrialists and may be by some high ranked officers. Being an Indian,my hands are trembling to write these things but this is the fact that India is one of the most corrupted countries in the world.This sounds ugly but this is the fact..A study in 2005 conducted by TRANSPARENCY INTERNATIONAL in India found that  55% of Indians had first-hand experience of paying bribes to get jobs done in public offices successfully.There is no demarcation for rich people.Constitution,Rules and Regulations are made for their safety. How can we forget the recent scam of  2G spectrum ?!!!! . It is estimated that more than trillion dollars are stashed away in foreign countries,while 80% of Indian people earn less than 2$ per day and every second child is...


I was very happy the way things went for me and my team on 20 JAN 2012.It was the annual sports day of my college.This was also the last  year of  college for me and my classmates.There were four groups-Yellow house,Green house,Blue house and Red house.I was representing the Yellow house.Mr. Daupan Karan, Mrs. Amrita Chatterjee and Mr.Debarun Chakraborty  were my house coaches.It was my pleasure to represent my team under their coaching.I never felt pressure at any point of time.They were really the source of energy for our team.They were very entertaining too. We got off with a very bad  start.We had just 2 points in the first half of the play while the Green,Blue and Red houses had 12,9,8 respectively.We were nowhere in the game but we did not lose our patience and in the  second half we managed to pull the things back.It was very very strong come back by our team.In the end we were the 1st runner up. Red house stood last.One of my best friends and classm...