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                    Helpless God They leave the bed before dawn to sow seed , So that grains can be grown to eat and feed . We have lunch in Suit and Tie, And they are left to die. While they are busy working on the quality of Wheat, We,in the name of religion are busy fighting for the seat. Millions of rupees are spent on election compaign, But no money to waive the loan who produces champagne. It is Irony that bank debt burden force them to suicide, While some loot the bank and leave the nation to hide. I fear ,if they stop farming, No Cosmetics can make our face charming. Please unite to save these Gods,if they become angry, We may earn in dollar & pound but will die hungry
                                                                      Dear Human Being    Everytime you call me your mother,I feel shame,  You have ruined my color for your name and fame. I gave you clean rivers,Lakes and Lush green Gardens,  And you gifted me Pollution and Garbage Mountains.            I know your Brain has taken you to the moon, But the same brain would be the cause of your Extinction soon.           God created you to save my natural face,           But you ignored me to join the Rat race.                   Please save my little left hill stations,          Where you often visit to flush out your frustrations.   Please return my Lush green gardens,clean rivers and Lakes,            Why should I feel suffocated for your mistakes !               Even God would be repenting giving you space, Mend your ways or ready to carry oxygen Mask at your work Place.