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I was very happy the way things went for me and my team on 20 JAN 2012.It was the annual sports day of my college.This was also the last  year of  college for me and my classmates.There were four groups-Yellow house,Green house,Blue house and Red house.I was representing the Yellow house.Mr. Daupan Karan, Mrs. Amrita Chatterjee and Mr.Debarun Chakraborty  were my house coaches.It was my pleasure to represent my team under their coaching.I never felt pressure at any point of time.They were really the source of energy for our team.They were very entertaining too.

We got off with a very bad  start.We had just 2 points in the first half of the play while the Green,Blue and Red houses had 12,9,8 respectively.We were nowhere in the game but we did not lose our patience and in the  second half we managed to pull the things back.It was very very strong come back by our team.In the end we were the 1st runner up. Red house stood last.One of my best friends and classmates Amardip kumar was representing the Red house. Green was on the top in the table and they lifted the the winning trophy.They got 26 points and 25 was ours.Credit goes to our coaches and the team members.We were really satisfied with the runner up trophy.

With the participation in the annual sports 2012 ,it was time for me and my classmates(MBA-HM) to say good bye NIPS as it was our last year in the college.



  1. I really liked your views...
    As you mentioned this is your last year in the NIPS, hope you will njy your remaining days at NIPS school of Hotel management....
    I am really gonna miss you guys....


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