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Hello friends,
What a stupid question Sanjeet has asked! may be dancing in the minds of some people .But yes, my question is" Is Bharat Bharat Today?".To me ,it looks off colour today in spite of the fact that it has painted itself with western colours.

I studied up to five class in my village named Bahuarwa.It is in Sitamarhi district of Bihar(INDIA) a hundred eighty kilometres  North from the capital City Patna.It is situated on the international boarder of Nepal.

Friends ,.I sat on  sacks in the school.It was really a happy school life.I remember the jingles in the necks of of oxen,the traditional songs while planting the paddy AH!!! Still echoing into my ears.I wish I could retreat again to that affluent life.People played traditional games,wore traditional clothes Dhoti and kurta, sat under the trees of peepal for their amusement and who can forget the DADI KE NUSKHE before retiring on the bed.

"palkee " was one of the luxurious methods used by the rich and the nobles for travelling purposes.It was used to carry the Deity or Idol of the God.Girls and ladies were ferried in palkee  and were escorted by  males.It was also used for weddings.These all the things are replaced by machines.India is loosing its natural colour.
I have been out of my village for more than ten years  for good education.I go to my village in holidays.My parents are there in the village.But I do not find the  village it used to be some years back." Namaste"and "Pranam" has been replaced by" hello" and " hi".Some times I forget that I am in India.No more jingles in the oxen neck ,no traditional songs,no respect for the senior citizens. My question is, where is the Bharat I was born in?

One more question always keeps drumming in mind that why do we imitate western and American dressing sense and standard of living only? Do you think forgetting our culture and imitating their life style will help us to develop? Not at all .No any country in the world can think of developing avoiding its culture,then why do we repeat this mistake again and again. Bharat is Bharat not because it is imitating western culture but because it has its own recognition

In the end I would just say please love your motherland, its culture ,custom and tradition and make sure that BHARAT was BHARAT, BHARAT is BHARAT and BHARAT will be BHARAT




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